You can check if you’re eligible to make an employment law claim using our online questionnaire. It’s obligation free and you can save and return to it at any time.
How does it work?
1. Take the eligibility questionnaire, build your evidence and submit your enquiry
2. Get a fixed fee quote and an obligation free telephone call
3. Partner with your lawyer to resolve your work claim
Do you think you have been underpaid your employment entitlements? We can help! Resolution123 has extensive experience in award, enterprise agreement and contract interpretation and enforcement. We are happy to take a look at your work circumstances and help determine if you have an underpayment claim and the best way to recover your entitlements. Just fill in this form and one of our lawyers will be in touch with an obligation free phone call and an upfront fixed fee quote.
Unfair Dismissal
It is a basic human right to earn a living, jobs give us a sense of purpose and place in the world. Australians believe in the right to a fair go, that’s why we have unfair dismissal laws. If you have been unfairly dismissed, we can help! But be quick, you only have 21 days from the date of dismissal to commence a claim. Our eligibility questionnaire will help determine if you are protected from unfair dismissal and eligible to bring an unfair dismissal claim. It will take about 5 minutes and if you complete the employee details, one of our lawyers will be in touch with an obligation free phone call and an upfront fixed fee quote.
You can read more about unfair dismissal in this blog.
Constructive Dismissal
A constructive dismissal is where you are forced to resign by your employer. This could be where your employer gives you an ultimatum – resign or be sacked, or where you feel you have no other choice because of their conduct. Examples include where you are being bullied, where your employer is forcing changes to your job on you and where you have made a request for flexible work that has been declined. Be quick, you only have 21 days from the date of resignation to commence a claim. Check if you have a claim and get an obligation free phone call and an upfront fixed fee quote.
Check my Employment Contract
Have you been offered a new job? Congratulations! You should get your employment contract reviewed before you sign. Is the salary right? Does the bonus arrangement look like what you discussed? Does the notice period give you enough time to find other work? Is the restraint of trade fair? We can check all of this for you for a small upfront fixed fee and turn the work over quickly, usually within one business day of you accepting our fee. A small investment at the beginning of the relationship could save you a lot at the end. Just fill in this form and one of our lawyers will be in touch with an obligation free phone call and an upfront fixed fee quote.
Check My Deed
Have you been offered a deed of release? It is a serious legal document and its purpose is usually to prevent you making or continuing any claims against your employer. Before signing, get one of our experienced employment lawyers to provide you with advice on whether it is fair and what obligations it imposes on you. Just fill in this form and one of our lawyers will be in touch with an obligation free phone call and an upfront fixed fee quote, we can turn the work over quickly, usually within one business day of you accepting our fee.
Redundancy Pay
Has your employer made you redundant? Want us to check you are receiving the right redundancy entitlements? We can help! If you just want us to check the dollars and cents - fill in the form below and one of our lawyers will be in touch with an obligation free phone call and an upfront fixed fee.
Sham Redundancy
If you think your redundancy is a sham be quick! You only have 21 days from the date of redundancy to commence a claim. Check if you have a claim and get an obligation free phone call and an upfront fixed fee by hitting the button below.
You can read about sham redundancies in this blog.
Discrimination and sexual harassment
Discrimination and harassment on the grounds of race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical and mental disability, marital status, family or carer’s responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin is unlawful and you should take action. Strict time limits apply as little as 21 days in relation to some complaints. If you think you have been discriminated against or harassed you can check your eligibility to make a claim using our eligibility questionnaire.
The incidences of unlawful discrimination and harassment in Australian workplaces is disgraceful, here are the results of just some recent surveys:
- One in two women and one in four men will be sexually harassed in their lifetime.
- Women of colour, those with a disability and LGBTI people are particularly vulnerable.
- One in five mothers reported that they were made redundant, restructured, dismissed or their contract was not renewed either during their pregnancy, when they requested or took parental leave or when they returned to work and one in two experienced discrimination.
- Ageism has been called the new sexism with 75% of people in their 50s and 60s believing it’s more difficult for them to find work, 64% feeling undervalued and 42% believing they were overlooked for work due to their age.
If you identify with any of these statistics please get in touch to see if we can help.
Workplace bullying
A worker is bullied at work if:
- a person or group of people repeatedly act unreasonably towards them or a group of workers; and
- the behaviour creates a risk to health and safety.
Examples of bullying include:
- behaving aggressively
- teasing or practical jokes
- pressuring someone to behave inappropriately
- excluding someone from work-related events or
- unreasonable work demands.
A manager can make decisions about poor performance, take disciplinary action, and direct and control the way work is carried out. Reasonable management action that’s carried out in a reasonable way is not bullying. However, management action that isn't carried out in a reasonable way may be considered bullying. This might include enforcing unachievable performance targets, requiring improvement within an unrealistic timeframe or undertaking performance management in a humiliating or belittling way.
We can help!
Flexible work arrangements
The Fair Work Act provides private sector employees with the right to request flexible working arrangements. To be eligible you must have worked for your employer for at least 12 months on a full-time or part-time basis. Long term casual employees who have a reasonable expectation of ongoing employment are also eligible. A long term casual employee would usually have been employed on a regular and systematic basis for at least 12 months. Employees are eligible to request flexible working arrangements in the following circumstances:
- the employee is a parent, or has responsibility for the care of a child who is of school age or younger
- the employee is a carer
- the employee has a disability
- the employee is 55 or older
- the employee is experiencing violence from a member of the employee’s family or
- the employee provides care or support to a member of their immediate family or household who requires care or support because they are experiencing violence from the member’s family.
Employers must seriously consider a request for flexible working arrangements but may refuse on reasonable business grounds. In our opinion, an employer should really at least trial a flexible work arrangement before denying it on the basis of reasonable business grounds.
“Flexism” is a term that has been used to describe discrimination on the basis of the need for flexible work. Did you know that a recent survey has reported that:
- almost half of Australian workplaces don’t have flexible work policies
- three out of four part-time roles are held by women
- most new mums and dads want to work flexibly.
If you are experiencing “flexism” or want help negotiating a flexible work arrangement please get in touch.