Recently, Resolution123 has heard that employees are being told that they need to resign because of COVID-19. Read more
When will I receive the jobkeeper subsidy?
When will I receive the jobkeeper subsidy?
If the employer qualifies for the jobkeeper scheme and you are an eligible employee,Read more
Can I Be Fired Because Of Coronavirus?
Can I Be Fired Because Of Coronavirus?
We are getting lots of questions about how coronavirus is affecting your job including:
Can I request to work from home?Read more
Working From Home – Tips for employees
Align Expectations With Employer
Due to COVID-19 hundreds of thousands of employees are now working from home.Read more
How To Legally Take a Pay Cut Because of Coronavirus
How Should You Handle The Situation
Have you been asked to take a pay cut because of the coronavirus situation?Read more
When Can You Be Asked to Stand Down Without Pay?
What Does “Stand Down” Mean?
The ability for an employee to stand down your employment under the Fair Work Act without pay is limited to the circumstances where your employer’s operations have entirely shut down. Read more
Do You Have an Unfair Dismissal Case Because of COVID-19?
What is Unfair Dismissal?
You are protected from unfair dismissal if you have been dismissed and you have worked for a business for at least six months.Read more
How to Keep Your Job During COVID-19
Are you worried about keeping your job in COVID-19? This blog will go though the steps that you need so that you know how to safeguard your job during this crisis.Read more
What Are My Rights if Coronavirus Has Shut Down My Workplace?
Has your workplace been shut down because of the coronavirus pandemic? This blog will go though the steps on what you need to know.Read more
What employees need to know about Coronavirus (COVID-19)
How will the coronavirus impact my job?
Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness caused by a new virus.Read more
Employment contract Australia
Review my contract of employment
Words straight from an employer representative’s mouth “it’s easier to terminate a senior executive,Read more
Wage theft
Do you earn an annual salary?
You have probably heard lots about wage theft in the news of late.Read more